My Dad
Before Retirement:
After Retirement:
See what all those years of work will do to a person!
After I went for a nice long run through Mt. Lebanon on Sunday morning (just like back in the day when I lived there - ah, the memories), we all proceeded to get ready for a luncheon at my favorite, Max & Erma's.
Me and the Girls
Me & Mom
L-R: Jessica (sis-in-law - mother of the crazy, fun Zoe & Emily), Amy (sweet, dear old friend - met back in our Interstate days! - 5 months preggers and looks amazing), Donna (another good friend, used to work her at Rivers Club - can't wait to hear about her new job), me holding sweet Baby A.J., and Emily (oldest, bestest friend in the whole wide world)

Emily got to show off Sweet Baby A.J. The girls were very attentive to the sleeping baby boy.
Best part of the day???

What a fun evening for my father. He's been with his company for many, many years and enjoyed his retirement party immensely. They had a funny slideshow of pics from over the years, as well as a touching speech by my Uncle Chuck and my father. Truly a lovely evening.
I got to spend lots of time with all the sweet nieces over the weekend too. Not sure if Zoe ate that bread or just used it for a toy. Natalie is all smiles!
Eric & Zoe chilling on the stairs.
Emily's getting in on the bread act.
This was actually taken Saturday morning upon my arrival - dove right in and made the girls some lunch.

Hugs for everyone!

Zoe & Natalie sure were happy to see each other!
Absolutely beautiful babies!

After I went for a nice long run through Mt. Lebanon on Sunday morning (just like back in the day when I lived there - ah, the memories), we all proceeded to get ready for a luncheon at my favorite, Max & Erma's.

A very nice luncheon for the ladies - thank you all for coming!

Best part of the day???

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