Thursday, May 17, 2012

I am FAT

I am Fat.  
When I tell you I'm fat, I'm not looking for you to tell me I'm not Fat.
Because I'm fat.  I know I'm fat.
I'm not fishing for a compliment.
Don't want you to tell me how great I look.
I don't look great.  I am fat.  Fat doesn't look great.

Not going to change any time soon.
It's going to take work.  I didn't get this way overnight.
Unfortunately, I can't get the fat off of me overnight either.
Fat is fat.  And being fat sucks.

I don't care if you're fat.  I don't see YOU as fat.
I care that I am fat.  I see ME as fat.
Can't stand seeing a camera near my super-sized face.
I hate how I look.  This isn't me.  I am not a fat person.
I don't want to stay as this person.
Once upon a time, I was thinner.  I like that person.
I miss that person.  She exercised.  She worked out.
She was active.  She had cuter clothes with hot shoes.
That's who I want to be.
Not this version of me in a fat suit with bigger clothes.
These clothes suck.  They're ugly.  I feel ugly.
Because I'm fat.
Don't tell me I'm not fat.