Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What a Wild, Wonderful WV Vacation

August 5 - 8
Of course, first came the wedding (see posting below), then came the vacation to the mountains/lake in West Virginia...

Here are Zoe, Caroline and Natalie - don't they look relaxed?

All those precious, smiling babies!

The parentals chillin' on the deck.

Are we seriously crashing the honeymoon?
Here are the honeymooners canoeing from the lodge over to the cottage

Who's the genius that decided to go out on the paddle boats before the storm hit?

Crazy Zoe!
I shared a room with Audrey, Caroline, Natalie & sometimes Zoe. Slobs!

This was taken prior to leaving Pittsburgh, but was too cute not to include this pic of Natalie & Zoe hanging out on the porch

Look! It's the whole Fam Damily!

Overall, we had lots of fun, stayed at a beautiful resort, gorgeous surroundings, tasty food, and way too short (of course).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.