6/29 Friday Night - Arrived in Vegas - late. Left late from Dallas due to the rain. Didn't get to the hotel till about 2 am and had to wait in line, of course. Then there are those people that just think they are better than everyone else and try to skip the line. I hate those people - especially at 2 am.

6/30 Saturday - Jenny's Shower. What a lovely shower it was. Jenny has a nice group of teacher friends in Vegas, all of which do not want her to leave the school. They put together a really sweet party in Jenny's behalf.

After the shower, I went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. This is the view from our room. It overlooked the Las Vegas Country Club as well as a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.

Our evening started with drinks in the House of Blues Foundation Room at the top of Mandalay Bay. Very cool view of the Strip!

After a few good drinks, we moved on to dinner down the strip within Paris at Mon Ami Gabi, fantastic French steakhouse. We had a perfect table at the window with an even better view - right across the street from the Bellagio - the water show going off as well the fireworks show from Caesar's Palace 40th anniversary. Not to mention the phenomenal meal. A wonderful evening was had by all!
7/1 Sunday - As most know, my main purpose to go to Vegas was to hit the pool and soak up some rays. We did just that on Sunday - at least I did all day. We rented a cabana at the Las Vegas Hilton pool. Our very own private space - above and away from the rest of the population. We had a ceiling fan, flat screen tv, a stocked fridge with water/juice/soda, a waitress for the alcoholic drinks, room service, and a cabana boy to spritz water all over while sunning! Heaven. Jenny joined me for a good portion of the day while Chris gambled. At 5:30, Happy Hour kicked in and Brian joined in on the fun after he was out of work. Once Happy Hour was over, we all went for dinner in the hotel's Star Trek themed restaurant, Quarks. While one wouldn't think this would possibly be edible, it really was quite good. However, that may have been the blue beer kicking in. 

7/2 Monday - Another fun filled day. Can't start the day without breakfast - Brian took us to some Cracked Egg place, where I had none other than, stuffed FRENCH TOAST. After filling up, we headed off to Canyon Gate for a round of golf. And considering my game has been limited this year, I shot rather well - on the back nine.
Once again, that afternoon, I chilled at the pool for a short time while Chris gambled and before heading out to see the Cirque du Soleil show, The Beatles "Love." The Mirage built a special theater for this show; everything about it was amazing - the music, the dancers, the choreography, the set. We followed the show with a meal inside the Mirage at the Mexican restaurant, Isla.
7/3 Tuesday - Last Day. Of course, I started my morning off at the pool while Chris gambled in the Hilton. That didn't go over too well for him, so once we checked out and he headed straight to Hooters Casino. I, on the other hand, went to Fashion Show Mall on a hunt for flipflops for Jackie C, to no avail. However, I did accomplish to plant the goods to be picked up by Jackie B when she is in Vegas in September.

Soon after I was finished with the mall, I headed to Hooters to retrieve my boyfriend, whom I found to be quite happy with his winnings and Jack & Coke. Jenny & Brian joined us at the Casino for a little gambling. Chris did so well that he even got us a comp meal for all of us.
After all the fun at Hooters, it was time to head to the airport and back to Dallas. Next time we see Jenny & Brian will be in Pittsburgh for their wedding. So much to look forward to!