Sunday, December 23 - Chris's birthday - Even though we celebrated Vegas-style, Sunday was his real birthday. However, we spent the day in the car - no way to spend your birthday. First, we drove to see Audrey for a short visit in Houston and then pushed on to Lake Charles, Louisiana. We were both exhausted.
Monday, Christmas Eve morning - more driving. Finally made it to New Orleans in time for lunch with the parentals and a quick spin to the French Quarter. Since we were both so tired from all the travels for the month, we spent the evening at home - watching football, naturally.
Christmas morning, Chris got lots and lots of presents for his birthday/Christmas. Can't go without getting some Saints' attire. We are in New Orleans, after all...
Christmas with the Waltons: The majority of the day was spent with Carolyn's family at her sister, Ellen's house. Food and drink was plentiful - apparently I really enjoy a whiskey sour.
Our engagement was kept a secret in order to have a lovely celebratory champagne toast - it was terribly sweet and everyone was absolutely thrilled with our news. Feeling very welcome into the family already.
On Wednesday, it was time again to load up, get in the car and drive home to Dallas. It was a quick trip to New Orleans, but it was all about the family, and really made Christmas special.